Before last harvest, Dejf_K has 51 plus ???, thomasis has 47 plus ???, Ken has 46 plus ???, and Korax has 39 plus ??? (Rm 10)



NOTE: This logger sometimes misses recording!
Therefore do not rely too heavily on this log!

Using [X^pt90044-basic,pt90044-pt90044-ag2:5/7](?E)-11crds. Deck (draft<10)
XX  Korax: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
   (21:57 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX  Dejf_K: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
   (21:57 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (21:57 PDT) Added x1CulinaryArtsTeacher_8866_3 occ on farm
XX  thomasis: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
   (21:57 PDT) Added x1SchoolLunchLady_4409_3 occ on farm
   (21:57 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
XX  Ken: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
   (21:57 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX  Korax: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
   (21:58 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (21:58 PDT) Added WorkingGloves_5253_7 xminor on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:00 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX  thomasis: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:00 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
   (22:00 PDT) Added Toad_6856_2 xminor on farm
XX  Ken: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:00 PDT) Dragged new peep to DayLaborer
XX  Korax: Round 1: Peep 0 of 0

[STARTING ROUND 2] clicked
XX  Korax: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:01 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
   (22:01 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX  Dejf_K: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:01 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX  thomasis: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:01 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
   (22:01 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (22:01 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
   (22:01 PDT) Added x1AnimalCaretaker_2830_17 occ on farm
XX  Ken: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:01 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (22:02 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (22:02 PDT) Added CloisterRuins_4159_1 xminor on farm
XX  Korax: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:02 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (22:02 PDT) Added x1CowboyAndMotherV2_9617_2 occ on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:02 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
   (22:02 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX  thomasis: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:03 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX  Ken: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:03 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow

[STARTING ROUND 3] clicked
XX  Ken: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
XX  Ken: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:03 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX  Korax: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:04 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (22:05 PDT) Added x4TimmysFriend_10751_6 occ on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:05 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (22:05 PDT) Added Porcelain_6937_2 xminor on farm
XX  thomasis: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:05 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
   (22:05 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
XX  Ken: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:06 PDT) Dragged new peep to Fishing
XX  Korax: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:06 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
XX  Dejf_K: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:07 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
   (22:07 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX  thomasis: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:07 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX  Dejf_K: Round 3: Peep 0 of 0

[STARTING ROUND 4] clicked
XX  Dejf_K: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:07 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
   (22:08 PDT) Added k1pieceworker occ on farm
   (22:08 PDT) Added x3ItinerantPreacherv2_9114_5 occ on farm
XX  thomasis: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:08 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX  Ken: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:08 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX  Korax: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:08 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
   (22:08 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX  Dejf_K: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:09 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX  thomasis: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:09 PDT) Added cz3bagpiper occ on farm
   (22:09 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
XX  Ken: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:09 PDT) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX  Korax: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:10 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
   (22:10 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
   (22:10 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX  thomasis: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:11 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (22:11 PDT) Added spinney iminor on farm

[STARTING ROUND 5] clicked
XX  thomasis: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:11 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX  Ken: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:11 PDT) Dragged peep to familygrowth
   (22:11 PDT) Added StockfishV2_9209_4 xminor on farm
XX  Korax: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:12 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
XX  Dejf_K: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:12 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX  thomasis: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:12 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX  Ken: Round 5: Peep 3 of 3
   (22:12 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (22:12 PDT) Added x4MorningGardener_11936_13 occ on farm
XX  Korax: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:13 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
   (22:14 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (22:14 PDT) Added IronPlow_268_3 xminor on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:15 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
   (22:15 PDT) Dragged new guest to 4takeclay
XX  Korax: Round 5: Peep 0 of 0

[STARTING ROUND 6] clicked
XX  Korax: Round 6: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:16 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
   (22:16 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX  Dejf_K: Round 6: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:16 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (22:16 PDT) Added LumberPort_4394_4 xminor on farm
XX  thomasis: Round 6: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:17 PDT) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX  Ken: Round 6: Peep 1 of 3
XX  Korax: Round 6: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:17 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (22:17 PDT) Added x1VillageHead_6987_3 occ on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 6: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:17 PDT) Dragged new peep to renovate
   (22:17 PDT) Removed beggingcard occ on farm
   (22:18 PDT) Added x1FranciscanMonk_1501_5 occ on farm
   (22:18 PDT) Added x1Millwright_6717_4 occ on farm
   (22:18 PDT) Removed x1Millwright_6717_4 occ on farm
   (22:18 PDT) Added x1Millwright_6717_4 occ on farm
XX  thomasis: Round 6: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:19 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
   (22:19 PDT) Dragged peep to familygrowth
XX  Ken: Round 6: Peep 1 of 3
   (22:19 PDT) Dragged new peep to Fishing
   (22:20 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
   (22:20 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
   (22:20 PDT) Added x4BoatPainter_8844_1 occ on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 6: Peep 0 of 0

[STARTING ROUND 7] clicked
XX  Dejf_K: Round 7: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:20 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (22:20 PDT) Added treehouse_v2 gminor on farm
XX  thomasis: Round 7: Peep 1 of 3
   (22:21 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX  Ken: Round 7: Peep 1 of 3
XX  Korax: Round 7: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:21 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
   (22:21 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX  Dejf_K: Round 7: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:21 PDT) Added Tunnel_5957_6 xminor on board
   (22:21 PDT) Added spielefest ominor on board
   (22:22 PDT) Dragged peep to familygrowth
   (22:22 PDT) Added SimpleOven_4654_7 xminor on farm
   (22:22 PDT) Added x4Playwright_6550_7 occ on farm
   (22:23 PDT) Added x1FieldMerchant_8097_4 occ on farm
XX  thomasis: Round 7: Peep 2 of 3
   (22:23 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
XX  Ken: Round 7: Peep 1 of 3
   (22:24 PDT) Added x4ExperiencedFarmer_5806_7 occ on farm
   (22:24 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
XX  Korax: Round 7: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:24 PDT) Dragged new peep to fences
   (22:25 PDT) Added x4CattleDealer_3207_20 occ on board
XX  thomasis: Round 7: Peep 3 of 3
   (22:25 PDT) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX  Ken: Round 7: Peep 2 of 3
   (22:25 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
   (22:25 PDT) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX  Dejf_K: Round 7: Peep 0 of 0

[STARTING ROUND 8] clicked
XX  Dejf_K: Round 8: Peep 1 of 3
   (22:26 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX  thomasis: Round 8: Peep 1 of 3
   (22:26 PDT) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX  Ken: Round 8: Peep 1 of 3
   (22:27 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX  Korax: Round 8: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:27 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX  Dejf_K: Round 8: Peep 2 of 3
   (22:27 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX  thomasis: Round 8: Peep 2 of 3
   (22:27 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (22:27 PDT) Added x4TheGoodShepherd_10000_6 occ on farm
XX  Ken: Round 8: Peep 2 of 3
   (22:28 PDT) Dragged new peep to Fishing
   (22:28 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX  Korax: Round 8: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:29 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (22:29 PDT) Added AcornsBasket_7648_1 xminor on farm
   (22:29 PDT) Added schnitzelmallet ominor on board
   (22:30 PDT) Removed schnitzelmallet ominor on board
   (22:30 PDT) Added g1carrotfarmer occ on board
XX  Dejf_K: Round 8: Peep 3 of 3
   (22:30 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
XX  thomasis: Round 8: Peep 3 of 3
   (22:30 PDT) Dragged peep to familygrowth
   (22:31 PDT) Added Rookies_9546_2 xminor on farm
XX  Ken: Round 8: Peep 3 of 3
   (22:31 PDT) Dragged new peep to Fishing
XX  Korax: Round 8: Peep 0 of 0

[STARTING ROUND 9] clicked
XX  Korax: Round 9: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:32 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX  Dejf_K: Round 9: Peep 1 of 3
   (22:32 PDT) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX  thomasis: Round 9: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:32 PDT) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX  Ken: Round 9: Peep 1 of 3
XX  Korax: Round 9: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:34 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (22:34 PDT) Added x1LivestockKeeper_1399_16 occ on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 9: Peep 2 of 3
   (22:34 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX  thomasis: Round 9: Peep 2 of 4
   (22:34 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX  Ken: Round 9: Peep 1 of 3
   (22:34 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
XX  Dejf_K: Round 9: Peep 3 of 3
   (22:35 PDT) Dragged peep to familygrowth
XX  thomasis: Round 9: Peep 3 of 4
   (22:35 PDT) Dragged new peep to takestone
XX  Ken: Round 9: Peep 2 of 3
   (22:35 PDT) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX  thomasis: Round 9: Peep 4 of 4
   (22:35 PDT) Dragged new peep to takevegtable
XX  Ken: Round 9: Peep 3 of 3
   (22:36 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (22:36 PDT) Added grainmarket gminor on farm

[STARTING ROUND 10] clicked
XX  Ken: Round 10: Peep 1 of 3
XX  Korax: Round 10: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:37 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (22:37 PDT) Added x3Plumber_8917_1 occ on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 10: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:37 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX  thomasis: Round 10: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:38 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX  Ken: Round 10: Peep 1 of 3
   (22:38 PDT) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX  Korax: Round 10: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:38 PDT) Dragged new peep to takeboar
XX  Dejf_K: Round 10: Peep 2 of 4
   (22:38 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
XX  thomasis: Round 10: Peep 2 of 4
   (22:39 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX  Ken: Round 10: Peep 2 of 3
   (22:39 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX  Dejf_K: Round 10: Peep 3 of 4
   (22:39 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX  thomasis: Round 10: Peep 3 of 4
   (22:39 PDT) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX  Ken: Round 10: Peep 3 of 3
   (22:39 PDT) Dragged peep to familygrowth
   (22:40 PDT) Added WinnowingFan_8238_1 xminor on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 10: Peep 4 of 4
   (22:40 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX  thomasis: Round 10: Peep 4 of 4
   (22:40 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer

[STARTING ROUND 11] clicked
XX  thomasis: Round 11: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:41 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX  Ken: Round 11: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:41 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX  Korax: Round 11: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:41 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX  Dejf_K: Round 11: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:42 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
XX  thomasis: Round 11: Peep 2 of 4
   (22:42 PDT) Dragged new peep to takecattle
XX  Ken: Round 11: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:42 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (22:42 PDT) Added PigWallow_796_7 xminor on farm
   (22:42 PDT) Added PigWallow_796_7 xminor on board
   (22:42 PDT) Removed PigWallow_796_7 xminor on farm
XX  Korax: Round 11: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:43 PDT) Removed PigWallow_796_7 xminor on board
   (22:43 PDT) Dragged new peep to takevegtable
   (22:43 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX  Dejf_K: Round 11: Peep 2 of 4
   (22:44 PDT) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX  thomasis: Round 11: Peep 3 of 4
   (22:44 PDT) Dragged new peep to fences
XX  Ken: Round 11: Peep 2 of 4
   (22:44 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX  Dejf_K: Round 11: Peep 3 of 4
   (22:45 PDT) Dragged new peep to takestone
   (22:45 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
XX  thomasis: Round 11: Peep 4 of 4
   (22:45 PDT) Dragged new peep to renovate
XX  Ken: Round 11: Peep 3 of 4
   (22:45 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX  Dejf_K: Round 11: Peep 4 of 4
   (22:45 PDT) Dragged new peep to takevegtable
XX  Ken: Round 11: Peep 4 of 4
   (22:46 PDT) Dragged new peep to takesheep

[STARTING ROUND 12] clicked
XX  Ken: Round 12: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:46 PDT) Dragged peep to familygrowth2
XX  Korax: Round 12: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:47 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
   (22:47 PDT) Added schnitzelmallet ominor on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 12: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:47 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX  thomasis: Round 12: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:47 PDT) Dragged new peep to takestone
XX  Ken: Round 12: Peep 3 of 5
   (22:48 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX  Korax: Round 12: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:48 PDT) Dragged new peep to takevegtable
XX  Dejf_K: Round 12: Peep 2 of 4
   (22:48 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
   (22:48 PDT) Added BorrowedPlow_5430_13 xminor on farm
   (22:48 PDT) Added BorrowedPlow_5430_13 xminor on board
   (22:48 PDT) Removed BorrowedPlow_5430_13 xminor on farm
XX  thomasis: Round 12: Peep 2 of 4
   (22:49 PDT) Removed BorrowedPlow_5430_13 xminor on board
   (22:49 PDT) Dragged new peep to takeboar
XX  Ken: Round 12: Peep 4 of 5
   (22:49 PDT) Dragged new peep to fences
XX  Dejf_K: Round 12: Peep 3 of 4
   (22:49 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX  thomasis: Round 12: Peep 3 of 4
   (22:50 PDT) Dragged new peep to takestone
XX  Ken: Round 12: Peep 5 of 5
   (22:50 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (22:50 PDT) Added x4LoneRanger_7225_4 occ on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 12: Peep 4 of 4
   (22:50 PDT) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX  thomasis: Round 12: Peep 4 of 4
   (22:51 PDT) Dragged new peep to renovate
   (22:51 PDT) Added Skybridge_4621_3 xminor on farm
   (22:51 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow
   (22:51 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
   (22:51 PDT) Added x3PlowWorker_8372_4 occ on farm
XX  Dejf_K: Round 12: Peep 0 of 0

[STARTING ROUND 13] clicked
XX  Dejf_K: Round 13: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:52 PDT) Dragged peep to familygrowth2
XX  thomasis: Round 13: Peep 1 of 4
   (22:52 PDT) Dragged new peep to plowsow
XX  Ken: Round 13: Peep 1 of 5
   (22:52 PDT) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX  Korax: Round 13: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:53 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
   (22:53 PDT) Added itinerantlaborers gminor on farm
   (22:53 PDT) Removed itinerantlaborers gminor on farm
   (22:53 PDT) Added itinerantlaborers gminor on board
XX  Dejf_K: Round 13: Peep 3 of 5
   (22:53 PDT) Removed itinerantlaborers gminor on board
   (22:53 PDT) Dragged new peep to fences
XX  thomasis: Round 13: Peep 2 of 4
   (22:53 PDT) Dragged new peep to takecattle
XX  Ken: Round 13: Peep 2 of 5
   (22:54 PDT) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
XX  Korax: Round 13: Peep 2 of 2
   (22:55 PDT) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX  Dejf_K: Round 13: Peep 4 of 5
   (22:55 PDT) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX  thomasis: Round 13: Peep 3 of 4
   (22:55 PDT) Dragged new peep to renovate
   (22:55 PDT) Added Skybridge_4621_3 xminor on farm
XX  Ken: Round 13: Peep 3 of 5
   (22:56 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX  Dejf_K: Round 13: Peep 5 of 5
   (22:56 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX  thomasis: Round 13: Peep 4 of 4
   (22:57 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX  Ken: Round 13: Peep 4 of 5
   (22:57 PDT) Dragged new peep to sowbake
   (22:57 PDT) Dragged new peep to Fishing
   (22:57 PDT) Dragged new peep to sowbake

[STARTING ROUND 14] clicked
XX  Ken: Round 14: Peep 1 of 5
   (22:58 PDT) Dragged new peep to plowsow
XX  Korax: Round 14: Peep 1 of 2
   (22:59 PDT) Dragged peep to familygrowth2
XX  Dejf_K: Round 14: Peep 1 of 5
   (22:59 PDT) Dragged new peep to takeboar
XX  thomasis: Round 14: Peep 1 of 4
   (23:00 PDT) Dragged new peep to improve
XX  Ken: Round 14: Peep 2 of 5
   (23:00 PDT) Dragged new peep to renovatefences
XX  Korax: Round 14: Peep 3 of 3
   (23:01 PDT) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX  Dejf_K: Round 14: Peep 2 of 5
   (23:01 PDT) Dragged new peep to takecattle
   (23:01 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow
   (23:02 PDT) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX  thomasis: Round 14: Peep 2 of 4
   (23:02 PDT) Dragged new peep to takevegtable
XX  Ken: Round 14: Peep 3 of 5
   (23:02 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX  Dejf_K: Round 14: Peep 3 of 5
   (23:03 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX  thomasis: Round 14: Peep 3 of 4
   (23:03 PDT) Dragged new peep to Occupation
   (23:03 PDT) Added x1TruffleSearcher_8066_3 occ on farm
XX  Ken: Round 14: Peep 4 of 5
   (23:03 PDT) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX  Dejf_K: Round 14: Peep 4 of 5
   (23:04 PDT) Dragged new peep to takestone
   (23:04 PDT) Dragged new peep to renovate
XX  thomasis: Round 14: Peep 4 of 4
   (23:05 PDT) Dragged new peep to takecattle
   (23:05 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
   (23:05 PDT) Dragged new peep to 4takefood