Before last harvest, FieldDoctor has 49 plus ???, Undertaker has 42 plus ???, Nomads has 58 plus ???, and Priest has 46 plus ??? (Rm 10)
NOTE: This logger sometimes misses recording!
Therefore do not rely too heavily on this log!
Using [X^jeje-AG2,jeje-EGIKWMFR,jeje-G4G5,newczrush-A-Hsinchu G6,newczrush-B competition,newczrush-DT-deck,newczrush-G9:7/7](?E) Deck (draft<9)
XX FieldDoctor: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
(6:47 PST) Added stonecuttershall gminor on board
(6:47 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(6:47 PST) Added x3FieldMaster_6701_2 occ on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
(6:47 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Priest: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
(6:48 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Nomads: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
(6:48 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX FieldDoctor: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
(6:48 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Undertaker: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
(6:49 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(6:49 PST) Added k1marketwomen occ on farm
XX Priest: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
(6:50 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Nomads: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
(6:50 PST) Dragged new peep to DayLaborer
XX FieldDoctor: Round 1: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 2] clicked
XX FieldDoctor: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
(6:50 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Undertaker: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
(6:50 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Nomads: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
(6:51 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Priest: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
(6:51 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(6:51 PST) Added x3LadyinWaiting_146_16 occ on farm
(6:51 PST) Added TimeGem_12307_1 xminor on farm
XX FieldDoctor: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
(6:51 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Undertaker: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
(6:51 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Nomads: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
(6:52 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX Priest: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
(6:52 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(6:52 PST) Added x1Fencesmith_8376_5 occ on farm
XX FieldDoctor: Round 2: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 3] clicked
XX FieldDoctor: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
(6:55 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX Undertaker: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
(6:55 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX Nomads: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
(6:55 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Priest: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
(6:56 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX FieldDoctor: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
(6:56 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Undertaker: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
(6:56 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(6:56 PST) Added SantasElves_11240_1 xminor on farm
XX Nomads: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
(6:57 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Priest: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
(6:57 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Undertaker: Round 3: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 4] clicked
XX Undertaker: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
(6:57 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Nomads: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
(6:57 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Priest: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
(6:58 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
(6:58 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
XX FieldDoctor: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
(7:01 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Undertaker: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
(7:01 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX Nomads: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
(7:01 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Priest: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
(7:01 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(7:01 PST) Added Navagunjara_8865_1 xminor on farm
XX FieldDoctor: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
(7:02 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Priest: Round 4: Peep 0 of 0
(7:03 PST) Added FireplaceLighter_7427_2 xminor on board
(7:03 PST) Added Downsizing_250_12 xminor on board
(7:04 PST) Added LayoutPlans_6285_3 xminor on board
XX FieldDoctor: Round 4: Peep 0 of 0
(7:04 PST) Added x3TinkererTest_12195_2 occ on board
(7:05 PST) Added x1StockProtector_9246_1 occ on board
XX Undertaker: Round 4: Peep 0 of 0
(7:05 PST) Added x1BasketmakersGrandpa_10517_5 occ on board
(7:05 PST) Added x4DomesticianExpert_6693_2 occ on board
XX Nomads: Round 4: Peep 0 of 0
(7:06 PST) Added MeatLover_11831_2 xminor on board
(7:06 PST) Added PetDoor_5424_3 xminor on board
(7:07 PST) Added cookingcorner iminor on board
XX Priest: Round 4: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 5] clicked
XX Priest: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
(7:09 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX FieldDoctor: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
(7:09 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Undertaker: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
(7:09 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Nomads: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
(7:09 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
(7:10 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(7:10 PST) Added x1Educatorsfather_12184_3 occ on farm
(7:10 PST) Added x1LittleStickKnitter_8904_2 occ on farm
(7:10 PST) Added x4StirFryer_10854_1 occ on farm
(7:10 PST) Added k4magician occ on farm
(7:10 PST) Added x1Parvenu_6932_4 occ on farm
(7:11 PST) Removed x1LittleStickKnitter_8904_2 occ on farm
(7:11 PST) Added x1LittleStickKnitter_8904_2 occ on farm
(7:11 PST) Removed k4magician occ on farm
(7:11 PST) Removed x1Parvenu_6932_4 occ on farm
(7:12 PST) Added k4magician occ on farm
(7:12 PST) Added x1Parvenu_6932_4 occ on farm
XX Priest: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
(7:13 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX FieldDoctor: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
(7:13 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(7:13 PST) Added x3DrudgeryReeve_8120_2 occ on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
(7:13 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
XX Nomads: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
(7:13 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX Priest: Round 5: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 6] clicked
XX Priest: Round 6: Peep 1 of 2
(7:15 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX FieldDoctor: Round 6: Peep 1 of 2
(7:16 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Undertaker: Round 6: Peep 1 of 3
(7:16 PST) Dragged new peep to Fishing
XX Nomads: Round 6: Peep 1 of 2
(7:16 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Priest: Round 6: Peep 2 of 2
(7:17 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX FieldDoctor: Round 6: Peep 2 of 2
(7:17 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Undertaker: Round 6: Peep 2 of 3
(7:18 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Nomads: Round 6: Peep 2 of 2
(7:18 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(7:18 PST) Added lumber kminor on farm
(7:19 PST) Added lumber kminor on board
(7:19 PST) Removed lumber kminor on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 6: Peep 3 of 3
(7:19 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(7:19 PST) Added x3HumbleFarmboy_237_3 occ on farm
XX Priest: Round 6: Peep 0 of 0
(7:19 PST) Removed lumber kminor on board
[STARTING ROUND 7] clicked
XX Priest: Round 7: Peep 1 of 2
(7:20 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
XX FieldDoctor: Round 7: Peep 1 of 2
(7:21 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Undertaker: Round 7: Peep 1 of 3
(7:22 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Nomads: Round 7: Peep 1 of 3
(7:22 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Priest: Round 7: Peep 2 of 2
(7:23 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(7:23 PST) Added x4HorseDoctor_10926_5 occ on farm
(7:23 PST) Removed TimeGem_12307_1 xminor on farm
XX FieldDoctor: Round 7: Peep 2 of 2
(7:23 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(7:23 PST) Added Foresight_6253_3 xminor on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 7: Peep 2 of 3
(7:25 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(7:25 PST) Added BeerMuseum_4157_1 xminor on farm
XX Nomads: Round 7: Peep 2 of 3
(7:25 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX Undertaker: Round 7: Peep 3 of 3
(7:25 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Nomads: Round 7: Peep 3 of 3
(7:25 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX Undertaker: Round 7: Peep 0 of 0
(7:26 PST) Added o3magnate occ on board
(7:26 PST) Added x3FarmSchoolGraduatete_12055_3 occ on board
XX Nomads: Round 7: Peep 0 of 0
(7:27 PST) Added Loan_6838_1 xminor on board
(7:27 PST) Added OrientalFireplace_8237_1 xminor on board
(7:27 PST) Added schnitzelmallet ominor on board
XX Priest: Round 7: Peep 0 of 0
(7:28 PST) Added BrewingWater_8942_1 xminor on board
(7:28 PST) Added Bonfire_658_7 xminor on board
(7:28 PST) Added OxSkull_4316_6 xminor on board
XX FieldDoctor: Round 7: Peep 0 of 0
(7:28 PST) Added x1Notary_6721_1 occ on board
(7:28 PST) Added x1MasterFencerv2_5685_3 occ on board
XX Undertaker: Round 7: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 8] clicked
XX Undertaker: Round 8: Peep 1 of 3
(7:29 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Nomads: Round 8: Peep 1 of 3
(7:29 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
(7:29 PST) Added clayhutextension kminor on farm
(7:29 PST) Removed clayhutextension kminor on farm
(7:29 PST) Added clayhutextension kminor on board
XX Priest: Round 8: Peep 1 of 2
(7:29 PST) Removed clayhutextension kminor on board
(7:30 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
XX FieldDoctor: Round 8: Peep 1 of 3
(7:30 PST) Added claydeposit iminor on board
(7:30 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Undertaker: Round 8: Peep 2 of 3
(7:31 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(7:31 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Nomads: Round 8: Peep 2 of 3
(7:31 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
(7:31 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Priest: Round 8: Peep 3 of 3
XX FieldDoctor: Round 8: Peep 2 of 3
(7:32 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(7:32 PST) Added Alebenches_6776_1 xminor on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 8: Peep 3 of 3
(7:33 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(7:33 PST) Added x1LateStudent_8370_6 occ on farm
XX Nomads: Round 8: Peep 4 of 4
(7:33 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
XX FieldDoctor: Round 8: Peep 3 of 3
(7:34 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(7:34 PST) Added x1HeroofAgriculture_6709_4 occ on farm
[STARTING ROUND 9] clicked
XX FieldDoctor: Round 9: Peep 1 of 3
(7:35 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Undertaker: Round 9: Peep 1 of 3
(7:35 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
(7:35 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Nomads: Round 9: Peep 1 of 4
(7:35 PST) Dragged new peep to takestone
XX Priest: Round 9: Peep 1 of 3
(7:36 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX FieldDoctor: Round 9: Peep 2 of 3
(7:37 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
(7:38 PST) Dragged new peep to takevegtable
XX Undertaker: Round 9: Peep 2 of 3
(7:38 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Nomads: Round 9: Peep 2 of 4
XX Priest: Round 9: Peep 2 of 3
(7:39 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX FieldDoctor: Round 9: Peep 3 of 3
(7:39 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
(7:41 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX Undertaker: Round 9: Peep 3 of 3
(7:42 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(7:42 PST) Added Trellis_9365_2 xminor on farm
XX Nomads: Round 9: Peep 3 of 4
(7:42 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Priest: Round 9: Peep 3 of 3
(7:42 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
(7:43 PST) Added HorsePlow_5870_4 xminor on farm
XX Nomads: Round 9: Peep 4 of 4
(7:43 PST) Dragged new peep to takeboar
XX FieldDoctor: Round 9: Peep 0 of 0
(7:44 PST) Added Purse_4572_1 xminor on board
(7:44 PST) Added Lion_4900_9 xminor on board
(7:44 PST) Added ZeroHoursContract_8659_4 xminor on board
XX Undertaker: Round 9: Peep 0 of 0
(7:45 PST) Added e3stonecutter occ on board
(7:46 PST) Added Ropemakingmachine_6030_1 xminor on board
(7:47 PST) Added HarvestHouse_8248_4 xminor on board
XX Nomads: Round 9: Peep 0 of 0
(7:47 PST) Added MaintenancePremium_8232_2 xminor on board
(7:47 PST) Added reedsale gminor on board
(7:47 PST) Added winecellar czminor on farm
(7:47 PST) Removed winecellar czminor on farm
(7:47 PST) Added winecellar czminor on board
XX Priest: Round 9: Peep 0 of 0
(7:48 PST) Added potatodibber eminor on board
(7:48 PST) Added bakehouse kminor on board
(7:48 PST) Added CastironOven_4154_1 xminor on board
XX FieldDoctor: Round 9: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 10] clicked
XX FieldDoctor: Round 10: Peep 1 of 3
(7:50 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX Undertaker: Round 10: Peep 1 of 4
XX Nomads: Round 10: Peep 1 of 4
(7:50 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Priest: Round 10: Peep 1 of 3
(7:50 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX FieldDoctor: Round 10: Peep 2 of 3
(7:51 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
XX Undertaker: Round 10: Peep 2 of 4
(7:52 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(7:52 PST) Added x1RenaissanceMan_5707_2 occ on farm
XX Nomads: Round 10: Peep 2 of 4
(7:52 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(7:52 PST) Added Donkey_138_9 xminor on farm
XX Priest: Round 10: Peep 2 of 3
(7:52 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX FieldDoctor: Round 10: Peep 3 of 3
(7:53 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX Undertaker: Round 10: Peep 3 of 4
(7:54 PST) Dragged new peep to takecattle
XX Nomads: Round 10: Peep 4 of 5
(7:54 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
(7:55 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
XX Priest: Round 10: Peep 3 of 3
(7:56 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Undertaker: Round 10: Peep 4 of 4
(7:56 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX Nomads: Round 10: Peep 5 of 5
(7:57 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
XX FieldDoctor: Round 10: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 11] clicked
XX FieldDoctor: Round 11: Peep 1 of 3
(7:58 PST) Dragged new peep to takeboar
XX Undertaker: Round 11: Peep 1 of 4
(8:00 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Nomads: Round 11: Peep 1 of 5
(8:00 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Priest: Round 11: Peep 1 of 3
XX FieldDoctor: Round 11: Peep 2 of 3
(8:02 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Undertaker: Round 11: Peep 2 of 4
(8:02 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Nomads: Round 11: Peep 2 of 5
(8:03 PST) Dragged new peep to takestone
XX Priest: Round 11: Peep 2 of 3
(8:03 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
XX FieldDoctor: Round 11: Peep 3 of 3
(8:05 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
XX Undertaker: Round 11: Peep 3 of 4
(8:06 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX Nomads: Round 11: Peep 3 of 5
(8:06 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Priest: Round 11: Peep 3 of 3
(8:07 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(8:07 PST) Added x4LoneSoilScientist_8747_3 occ on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 11: Peep 4 of 4
(8:07 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(8:07 PST) Added hungerwall czminor on farm
XX Nomads: Round 11: Peep 4 of 5
(8:08 PST) Dragged new peep to takecattle
(8:08 PST) Dragged new peep to Fishing
XX FieldDoctor: Round 11: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 12] clicked
XX FieldDoctor: Round 12: Peep 1 of 3
(8:09 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(8:09 PST) Added SimpleOven_4654_7 xminor on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 12: Peep 1 of 5
(8:10 PST) Dragged new peep to plowsow
XX Nomads: Round 12: Peep 1 of 5
(8:11 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Priest: Round 12: Peep 1 of 4
(8:11 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX FieldDoctor: Round 12: Peep 2 of 3
(8:11 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
(8:12 PST) Added hungerwall czminor on board
XX Undertaker: Round 12: Peep 2 of 5
(8:12 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Nomads: Round 12: Peep 2 of 5
(8:12 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Priest: Round 12: Peep 2 of 4
XX FieldDoctor: Round 12: Peep 3 of 3
(8:15 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
(8:16 PST) Added Slurry_9403_1 xminor on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 12: Peep 3 of 5
(8:16 PST) Dragged new peep to takecattle
XX Nomads: Round 12: Peep 3 of 5
(8:16 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Priest: Round 12: Peep 3 of 4
(8:17 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX Undertaker: Round 12: Peep 4 of 5
(8:17 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
(8:17 PST) Added RopeFences_4298_4 xminor on farm
XX Nomads: Round 12: Peep 4 of 5
(8:18 PST) Dragged new peep to takestone
XX Priest: Round 12: Peep 4 of 4
(8:19 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(8:19 PST) Added x1SheepPrince_12283_1 occ on farm
(8:19 PST) Removed TimeGem_12307_1 xminor on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 12: Peep 5 of 5
(8:20 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX Nomads: Round 12: Peep 5 of 5
(8:20 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX FieldDoctor: Round 12: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 13] clicked
XX FieldDoctor: Round 13: Peep 1 of 3
(8:20 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth2
XX Undertaker: Round 13: Peep 1 of 5
(8:20 PST) Dragged new peep to plowsow
XX Nomads: Round 13: Peep 1 of 5
(8:21 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(8:21 PST) Added halftimberedhouse eminor on farm
XX Priest: Round 13: Peep 1 of 4
(8:22 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX FieldDoctor: Round 13: Peep 3 of 4
(8:23 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(8:23 PST) Added x1RoyalChef_7286_5 occ on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 13: Peep 2 of 5
(8:23 PST) Dragged new peep to takeboar
XX Nomads: Round 13: Peep 2 of 5
(8:24 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Priest: Round 13: Peep 2 of 4
(8:25 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
(8:25 PST) Added Carpet_5151_3 xminor on farm
XX FieldDoctor: Round 13: Peep 4 of 4
(8:26 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX Undertaker: Round 13: Peep 3 of 5
(8:26 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Nomads: Round 13: Peep 3 of 5
(8:27 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
XX Priest: Round 13: Peep 3 of 4
XX Undertaker: Round 13: Peep 4 of 5
(8:28 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Nomads: Round 13: Peep 4 of 5
(8:28 PST) Dragged new peep to takecattle
XX Priest: Round 13: Peep 4 of 4
(8:30 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth2
XX Undertaker: Round 13: Peep 5 of 5
(8:30 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
(8:31 PST) Added manger eminor on farm
XX Nomads: Round 13: Peep 5 of 5
(8:31 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
[STARTING ROUND 14] clicked
XX Nomads: Round 14: Peep 1 of 5
(8:32 PST) Dragged new peep to plowsow
XX Priest: Round 14: Peep 1 of 5
XX FieldDoctor: Round 14: Peep 1 of 4
(8:35 PST) Dragged new peep to Fishing
XX Undertaker: Round 14: Peep 1 of 5
(8:35 PST) Dragged new peep to takeboar
XX Nomads: Round 14: Peep 2 of 5
(8:35 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Priest: Round 14: Peep 2 of 5
(8:36 PST) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX FieldDoctor: Round 14: Peep 2 of 4
(8:37 PST) Dragged new peep to takestone
XX Undertaker: Round 14: Peep 2 of 5
(8:37 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Nomads: Round 14: Peep 3 of 5
(8:38 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Priest: Round 14: Peep 3 of 5
(8:38 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX FieldDoctor: Round 14: Peep 3 of 4
(8:38 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(8:38 PST) Added x1OverAchiever_179_4 occ on farm
XX Undertaker: Round 14: Peep 3 of 5
(8:39 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX Nomads: Round 14: Peep 4 of 5
(8:39 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Priest: Round 14: Peep 4 of 5
(8:40 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX FieldDoctor: Round 14: Peep 4 of 4
(8:40 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth2
XX Undertaker: Round 14: Peep 4 of 5
(8:41 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(8:41 PST) Added x3ClayCurator_7326_3 occ on farm
XX Nomads: Round 14: Peep 5 of 5
(8:41 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
XX Priest: Round 14: Peep 5 of 5
(8:41 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Undertaker: Round 14: Peep 5 of 5
(8:41 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX Nomads: Round 14: Peep 0 of 0
XX Priest: Round 14: Peep 0 of 0
XX FieldDoctor: Round 14: Peep 0 of 0
(8:44 PST) Dragged new guest to familygrowth2
XX Undertaker: Round 14: Peep 0 of 0
(8:45 PST) Added x1MonsterTamer_7051_5 occ on farm